Nutrition for Optimal Health Association, Inc.

Linus Pauling, PhD

NOHA Honorary Member Linus Pauling, "the grand old man of science," 90 years old on February 28, 1991, having won the Nobel Prize both for chemistry and for peace, said that he was "especially proud" of the recent recognition of his work on vitamin C. At the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, on September 10-12, 1990, experts from all parts of the world gathered to give 40 papers on "Ascorbic Acid [vitamin C]: Biological Functions and Relation to Cancer" to 130 scientists and doctors.

Dr. Pauling, in his talk at the conference, pointed out that one reason he became interested in the value of large doses of vitamin C is the "extraordinary" fact that while most animals manufacture the human-body-weight-equivalent of 10,000 mg/day of vitamin C, we humans lack the enzyme needed to manufacture any. For this reason he takes 10,000 mg (10g)/day of vitamin C, almost 167 times the government recommended daily allowance (RDA) of 60 mg.

Nutrition for Optimal Health Association