Nutrition for Optimal Health Association, Inc.
L. Samuels
Jack L. Samuels, NOHA Member and former member of the NOHA Board of Directors. Jack Samuels and his wife Adrienne Samuels, PhD, are founders of the Truth in Labeling Campaign, a nonprofit organization dedicated to accurate labeling of MSG and the removal of MSG from agriculture. Jack Samuels is president of the Truth in Labeling Campaign.
The Truth in Labeling Campaign (TLC)
is a nonprofit organization dedicated to securing full and clear labeling of
all processed food. They are an all-volunteer organization funded entirely through
contributions. Neither their staff nor directors are paid, and they use no professional
fund raisers. Even the cost of disseminating information is primarily borne
by volunteers.
Their first project has been to secure identification of processed free glutamic acid (MSG) whenever and wherever it occurs in processed food. Concerned consumers have tried to work with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for over 12 years on this issue, but have found no evidence that the FDA is acting on behalf of consumers. It is clear that only through a grassroots effort will the FDA's refusal to require labeling of all MSG be resolved.
It is with this in mind that the TLC joined with 29 petitioners whose ranks included physicians, researchers, and parents acting on behalf of their MSG-sensitive children, in filing a Citizen Petition with the FDA asking the FDA to require labeling of all MSG found in processed foods. The publicity generated by the petition and a subsequent lawsuit generated help from hundreds of volunteers who now pass out information to grocers, physicians, friends, and legislators on the toxic effects of MSG and the ingredients in which it is hidden.
The petition and lawsuit did not, however, have an impact on labeling. After turning down the Citizen Petition, the FDA succeeded in getting the lawsuit set aside, using the Administrative Procedures Act, which allows agencies of the U.S. government to tell the court what material it may or may not look at. Through use of a legal technicality, the FDA managed to withhold evidence contained in its own files that testifies to the fact that MSG has toxic potential.
They continue to serve as a source
of accurate information and sounding board for those who seek the truth. They
invite you to work with them in their continued efforts to secure labeling of
all MSG in all processed food.
For further information, see their
website at