PROTECTING YOUR HEALTH: PART II by Thomas L. Stone, MD, Diplomate of the American Board of Environmental Medicine, Diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, and Medical Director of the Center for Bioenergetic Medicine in Kempton, Illinois. Note: What follows are only MY opinions, and do not reflect in any way the policy of NOHA Since my previous letter to NOHA, "Protecting Your Immune System," six years ago, the risks and dangers to our health have increased a thousand fold. Ironically, however, most people are only marginally aware of the health ramifications because they rely solely on national print and broadcast media to inform themselves of important issues. This is, in and of itself, dangerous. Furthermore, after decades and decades of sitting in front of the "Boob Tube," we have become a society of hypnotized TV watchers, docilely accepting whatever is put before us in the "Happy-talk" format of our favorite TV journalist. Yet the Dan "Blathers" of this world are ignorant pawns of a monopoly with a political stronghold intricately connecting government, international corporations, banks, and other major industries.
Since Watergate, Americans have become more cynical about political processes. Yet, although nearly all of us distrust the government, we accept what the national media offers with little question. One wonders why most people don't put two and two together and recognize the carefully concealed collusion between power-mongering and news-casting. I can only cover a few examples out of thousands of threats to your health and well being: Microwaved Foods and Cellular Phones Let us examine some common radiations to which we are all being exposed. More than 85 percent of consumers are reported to be eating microwaved foods and liquids. Meanwhile, the publications-government-media complex assures us that this radiant marvel produces convenient and healthy appetizings.
Observation of hundreds of my patients has repeatedly revealed that the ingestion of any microwaved substance causes chronic over stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system-commonly known as the stress syndrome! Statistical studies cannot identify the effects on us of these polluted foods. The manifestations are extremely variable. One person may develop headaches, another fatigue, anxiety, high blood pressure, sleep disturbances, restlessness, inability to concentrate, and on and on. The development of symptoms following ingestion of the contaminated substances is insidious. Problems develop over a long period of time and also interact with other factors to conceal the etiology. Besides, if we feel stressed, we can always blame our husband, wife, employer, or somebody else for our distress. Anyone familiar with homeopathy can easily understand why microwave-irradiated foods can have an effect on the body. For nearly a century homeopathic physicians have been making a very effective remedy by radiating a water-alcohol solution with, for example, x-ray. Water or a water-alcohol solution acts like magnetic tape,
having the quality to store information. Water, like all matter, is energy--a vibration. Our bodies are highly condensed energy fields. We each have a unique vibration-a signature. In homeopathy the vibratory rate, or signature, of x-ray energy is imprinted on the vibratory rate of the water. The water in microwaved food, while it is still water, has an entirely different character. A simple analogy can be made using musical sound. For example, "middle C" will always be "middle C" whether it is played on a piano or a violin. To experienced ears, there is a different quality to the sound. In a similar manner, it is as if the vibratory rate of the x-ray has modulated the vibratory rate of the water in the food. (Recently, NBC television served their masters well by dismissing homeopathy with the sneering report that a laboratory analysis of a homeopathic remedy showed that it was only water and alcohol.) No homeopathic physician would ever give this toxic, microwaved water ("Mother solution") to a patient. A remedy is made by diluting with "succussion" (the repetitive pounding of each dilution to imprint the vibrations on the diluent). This is frequently a one-to-one-billion or more dilution. About 1910 a homeopath noted, "At first sight it may seem contradictory that the same agent will, in one case, cause the hair to fall out and, in another case, favor its growth." If he had had access to NOHA Member Walter Heiby's recently published book, The Reverse Effect , it would have been much easier for him to understand. As you increase or decrease the dose of a drug or nutrient, there is frequently a reversal in its effect! We never put dehydrated food in a microwave. Whatever we microwave always has liquid in it. This subtle poison has become so prevalent that it is extremely difficult to avoid. Occasionally, no matter how careful I am, I have to take a homeopathic remedy to counteract microwave.
We are presently being programmed by the publications-media-government complex to accept food radiation as perfectly safe! After all no one dies from eating microwaved or irradiated food. Most of us have an incredible ability to adapt to these stresses. I know of several people who have been smoking cigarettes for years, and they are not sick. Please be assured that you will not die or become immediately ill from smoking or ingesting microwave food. "Nuking" our food is quick and convenient. And, after all, our bodies, can adapt to all kinds of trauma. But the price for chronic adaptation is chronic illness! Shortly after cellular phones became available, I quickly acquired a transportable one- a small amazing device, which allowed instant, worldwide communications. By coincidence, I had in the office a 50-ohm hollow coil with coaxial cable and an extremely accurate Fluke Model 666 frequency meter for a project I had just finished. The image of the homeopaths of a century ago radiating a vial of water-alcohol with x-ray flashed before me. They had warned about the dangers of x-rays fifty years before the horrors of excessive exposure became generally known. They were ridiculed for their effort. After all, no one had shown any sign of illness from x-ray. My cellular phone had a 50-ohm output! It took only a few minutes to replace the phone antenna with the coil, a T-connector, and the frequency meter. I put a vial of water in the coil and make a telephone call while recording the precise frequency at which my phone was transmitting (and also imprinting the water). I labeled the vial with the frequency, and repeatedly did the same thing, since each time I discovered I was on a different frequency. Each of these vials was then used as the "mother solution" to prepare homeopathic dilutions of that particular frequency vibration.
I must advise you that just about everyone in the metropolitan area is being adversely affected by these highly penetrating, extremely dangerous, omnipresent microwave radiations! For years I have advised my patients that, to my knowledge, the only defense against this new assault on our health is either to find another planet, move far away from a metropolitan area, or try to keep their immune systems vigorous enough to adapt to this intrusion until they could accomplish one of the first two options. (Please see my earlier NOHA NEWS article that has many suggestions for "Protecting your Immune System.") Last February, many patients sent me articles and even a videotape of a woman who developed brain cancer from exposure to the radiation from a cellular phone. Although I know nothing about this case since I only have the media reports, my guess is that she either had a chronic overdose of microwave or is like the canary in the mines whose death screams danger! Death from cancer is merely the end stage of our bodies' attempt to adapt to a chronic disruption in our energy field.
The publications-media-government complex assures us not to worry. For example, the February 1993 U.S. News & World Report in an article about cellular phones and "the cancer scare" reports that this is not the first time people were alarmed about microwave radiation. Paul Brodeur's books and New Yorker articles caused a temporary slowdown of microwave sales. The major media concluded, "No real danger was ever established." Not mentioned was the fact that no independent studies have proven microwave radiation safe. Paul Brodeur had written that it was well known by researchers that any scientist who published a study showing the adverse effects of microwaves would never get another research grant and could find his job in jeopardy. The U.S. News & World Report article concluded, "The FDA considers microwave ovens extremely safe when used properly." In January 1993 the Medical World News reported, "Two new studies due out in the next few months add compelling evidence to the theory that low, regular exposure to radiation increases the risk of death from cancer." I would add that cancer is merely the end stage; some people are only half alive for years before the cancer is discovered. Until that time they are diagnosed as "healthy" hypochondriacs, because they have no defined disease. Two independent researchers, one here in the United States and another in England,
are coming to the same conclusion, which is quite contrary to the publications-media-government complex theory that small doses over time are not dangerous because the body has time to repair itself between exposures. "The English radiation expert had only limited access to the health records following her first report in 1976, which showed increased cancer among the employees. The new study began when her access to the records was restored to her in 1990." Fluoride Fluoride is described by the World Health Organization as one of the deadliest, multi-functional poisons known to mankind. Biochemist John Yiamouyiannis, PhD, in his book, Fluoride, The Aging Factor, describes the development of water fluoridation as follows: Fluoride pollution of air damaged wild life, crops, and livestock. Initially these industries bought up the surrounding fluoride-devastated areas. But when fluoride began to take its toll in human health,
lawsuits and action by health officials forced the companies to install
pollution control devices to trap the fluoride waste products. Unfortunately,
this just shifted the problem from air-borne fluorides to water-borne
fluorides and solid fluoride waste products, which were left to pollute
rivers, streams, and ground waters. One means of profitably disposing
of fluoride was to sell it as a rat poison and insecticide. However, since
there weren't enough rats and insects around to poison, there still remained
a problem of what to do with this excess fluoride. In addition, since
fluoride is not biodegradable, excessive use of it as an insecticide and
rodenticide would soon create a health hazard for humans. Dr. Gerald Cox
of the Mellon Institute (the Mellons were owners of the Aluminum Company
of America-ALCOA) solved this problem: dump the waste fluoride into public
drinking water. Tell the people it will reduce tooth decay. Many research results have shown reduction in tooth decay with low levels of fluoridation, especially when calcium and vitamin D levels are adequate. Some researchers have shown no difference and have often had difficulty publishing their results in this country. Bette Hileman's special report in Chemical & Engineering News, August 1, 1988 on "Fluoridation of Water," states: "The fluoride ion is unusual among trace elements in water or food because the same range of human exposure to the fluoride ion that can produce beneficial physiological effects can also produce harmful effects. . . . Some studies indicate that dental fluorosis is increasing." This is a browning of children's teeth, which is caused by fluoride. Sometimes there is just chalky mottling. However, severe fluorosis results in teeth that are "heavily stained, pitted, brittle, and susceptible to fracture."
The C&EN report also deals with other human health problems including hypersensitivity to fluoridation: Fluoride, because of its chemical resemblance to iodine, may be causing insidious but devastating problems. I can find no studies that attempt to prove whether fluoride could be causing the hypothyroidism that is exceedingly common throughout our population. Fluoride is not only put in our water but ends up in our coffee, soft drinks, beer and soups, as well as being added to other items such as drugs, toothpaste, mouthwashes, and vitamins. I have long suspected that the excessive amounts of fluoride are interfering with our thyroid function. In the past fifteen years many hundreds of my patients have dramatically recovered from symptoms such as depression, extreme fatigue, abnormal menstruation or inability to have children, excessive hair growth, poor self-esteem, constipation, high cholesterol levels, and learning disabilities. These people had early manifestations of hypothyroidism that were not recognized by their internists and endocrinologists because the usual T3 and T4 tests were completely normal. It required a TRH challenge test to show their disorder, which disappeared when they were given adequate thyroid supplementation. In 1987 Ian E. Stephen of Australia published research documenting that both the Germans and the Russians added sodium fluoride to the water of prisoners-of-war to make them stupid and docile. He tells of lies, greed, blackmail and coercion, and of the diabolical powers that giant multi-national drug companies have over our lives.
In the United States Eustice Mulleins, who wrote Murder by Injection, had also discovered that the originators of water fluoridation: Conclusion We have allowed ourselves to be manipulated, lied to, and brain-washed by the publishing-media-government complex! This is and has been the greatest of all threats to our health. Anyone who tells the truth is quickly labeled an extremist. If this sounds bizarre, it is not the first time it has been said. John Swinton, the former Chief of Staff of The New York Times, called by his peers, "the dean of his profession," was asked in 1953 to give a toast before the New York Press Club. He responded with the following statement: It is dangerous to openly express the truth. Jonathan Wright, MD, a pioneer in nutritional medicine and renowned author of many books and articles, thought that we had a free country. When the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) seized his certified safe L-tryptophan, he appropriately brought suit against the FDA for their illegal acts. Within weeks FDA special agents were collecting his garbage looking for any infraction. It took them many months, but finally they found evidence: He was using vials of vitamin B12 with no chemical preservative, imported from Europe for his chemically sensitive patients. Since this "drug" had not undergone millions of dollars worth of testing by a major pharmaceutical company, it was a crime for him to use it. His clinic was raided in a style reminiscent of the Nazi war movies. The door was broken down even though the FDA was offered a key. Police and FDA agents in flak jackets terrorized the staff and patients by pointing loaded guns at them, ripping out the phone lines, and treating everyone like they were dangerous criminals-for using vitamin B12 with no chemical preservative! There have been more than thirteen or fourteen clinics raided by the FDA (in many cases the staff was threatened with assault weapons). The list of atrocities would require a book. What do you think was reported by the National news media about these flagrant Nazi-like raids? That's right, read what the former Chief of Staff of The New York Times said above. My last suggestion is that you begin to buy and store (preferably in one of the new vacuum packers) any nutritional supplements that you will be needing. Especially emphasize those supplements that can minimize the effect of radiation. In this instance, I am not speaking only of microwave radiation Inevitably we will suffer from the atrocities our government and industry have perpetrated on others while we were lied to by the major media. A free government cannot exist without a free press. What did John F. Kennedy mean at Columbia University 10 days before his assassination when he said, "The high office of president has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American's freedom, and before I leave office I must inform the citizen of his plight." Was this speech widely reported by the major media? Our childlike trust and dependence on the publication-media-government complex is gradually and progressively depriving us of our health and our freedom. If a frog is placed in a pan of boiling water, it will immediately jump out. If the heat is gradually increased, the frog will boil to death! The water is beginning to boil. Article from NOHA NEWS, Vol. XVIII, No. 4, Fall 1993, pages 4-7. |