ADD LIFE TO YOUR YEARS AND YEARS TO YOUR LIFE . . . was the intriguing title for the 35th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, September 28 to October 1, 2000 at Hilton Head in South Carolina. Many interesting lectures on controlling the effects of aging were presented. The following two articles give just an inkling. The opening lecture was presented by NOHA Honorary Member William J. Rea, MD. Before he launched into many fascinating details on injury-including physiological signs of aging-and on therapy, Dr. Rea opened with his first slide, which stated:
THE EFFECTS OF ENDOCRINE DISRUPTING CHEMICALS UPON AGING Over the last nineteen years at his environmental health center in Dallas, Texas NOHA Honorary Member William J. Rea, MD, and his team have been studying the effects on chemically sensitive patients of endocrine disrupting chemicals, specifically chlorinated pesticides and solvents. "Fasting for four to five days followed by one to two weeks of inpatient environmental control markedly improved patient energy, brain function, stamina, and mental acuity. Also, skin tone, color, and vascular stability improved. Overall, there was reversal of visible aging." Interestingly, just a few minutes after an inhaled challenge with one of the endocrine disrupters, the patient would be much worse and would appear to have aged ten years!
Long-term follow up with their patients showed continued improvement "if they stayed on a rigid environmental control program. Hormone status steadily improved also, with male sex drive increasing and female premenstrual cycle leveling out. Both male and female groups had a decrease in their chemical sensitivity along with improvement of their physiological aging." Article from NOHA NEWS, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, Winter 2001, pages 4-5. |