News Journal



For the many names with biographies, click on the "bio" link to read them.

Allen, Will, "Growing Power in an Urban Food Desert" XXXIII(2):3-4. read
Ames, Bruce N., "Vitamin C Protects Blood Fats," XIV(4):6. read
Ashford, Nicholas A., PhD, JD, Toxicant-Induced Loss of Tolerance (TILT) linked to "a host of new public health problems," including ADHD, XXV(1):1. read
Atwood, Dorothy Fisher, RG, bio, How Safe is Your Drinking Water?, XXVI(3):1-3 read
Avila, Frank, Commissioner of Chicago Metropolitan Water Reclamation Distract, "Changing Course in a Changing Climate: Solutions for Health and the Environment", XXXII(3):1 read
Bailey, Covert, exercise and obesity, XI(1):1 read
Baker, Sidney M., MD, bio, The Circadian Prescription, XXVII(4): 6-8 read
  • On linseed oil and prostaglandins, X(1):3. read
  • Honorary Member, XVI(2):3.
  • "What’s New in Autism Research?," XXI(2):3-4. read
  • "Detoxification and Healing," XXIII(4):1-3. read
  • "A Short History of DAN!" (Defeat Autism Now!), XXV(3):1-3. read
  • "Unlocking the Mysteries of Autism," Doctor's Corner by William Walsh, PhD, XXVIII(4):3-5. read
  • Tics and Tourette'sTracing the True Triggers, XXXI(4):5-9 read
Beasley, Joseph D., MD, bio, The Impact of Nutrition, Environment, and Lifestyle on the Health of Americans, XV(2):1-4. read
"Designing a New Medical Model," XVI(1):3. read
Birmbaum, Linda S., PhD, Cancer and the Environment: The Legacy of the Industrial Age—Asbestos to Xenobiotics, XXXI(1):2-8 Read
Bland, Jeffrey, PhD, bio, Cartoon—on fish oils, XI(4):3. read
  • Cartoon—"natural food" vs. "synthetic oils," XII(3):1. read
  • Cartoon—"diversified food rotation diet," XIV(2):1.
  • Environmental medicine—enhancing the body’s defenses: includes enhanced HCl in stomach; oxidant-antioxidant balance; detoxification, and rotation diet, XVI(2):2, 5. read
  • "Causes and Nutritional Therapies for Neurodegenerative Diseases," XXVI(1):6-8 read
Blaylock, Russell L., MD, bio, Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills, XX(1):1-4. read
Block, Keith I., MD, bio, Professional Advisory Board Member, XVI(2):3.
  • "The Integral Role of Nutrition in Cancer Treatment," XVI(4):3-6. read
  • "Living with Cancer: A Pilot Study of Long-Term Survivors," XX(1): 6-12. read
  • "Cancer Patients May Tolerate Certain Dietary Supplements", XXXI(2):9-10 read
Blum, Kenneth, PhD, "Addiction," XV(1):1. read
Blumberg Jeffrey B., PhD, "Vitamin E and Immunity," XVII(2):1. read
Boxer, Rober W., MD, bio, The first "Doctor’s Corner," X(4):2. read
  • Cardiac Arrhythmias Due to Food and Other Allergies," XIII(3):2-3. read
  • Cartoon—"Rotary Diversified Diet," XIII(4):2. read
  • Cartoon: ". . . humor has particular therapeutic value in the field of medicine," XIV(2):5. read
  • "Chemical Sensitivity: Then and Now," report on meetings of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, (AAEM), XVI(2): 2, 5-6. read
  • Obituary for Barbara Sachsel, XVI(3):1.
  • Cartoon—". . .you are what you eat," XIX(2):1.
  • "Environmental Control," XIX(2):2-4. read
  • "The Middle Road," a summary of 25 years of NOHA information, XXII(3):2-9. read
  • "New Developments and Concepts in the area of Allergy and Environmental Medicine," XXV(3):3-8. read
  • "Fatigue," XXVIII(3)5-8 read
  • "Allergy and Conditions that Simmulate Allergy or Contribute to the Symptoms," XXXII(2):2:9. read
Boyd, Eaton S., MD, Paleolithic nutrition, XI(4):1. read

Brady, Jane, Picture with Linus Pauling, PhD, XIII(1):1
  • "NOHA's 30th Anniversary Celibration" - picture with six other NOHA presidents, XXVIII(1):1 read
  • Obituary describing Jane's Contributions to NOHA, XXX(2):5-6 read

Braly, James, MD, Dangerous Grains, XXVIII(2):9-10. read

Brownstein, David, MD, Natural Cures for Chronic Contidions,XXXII(3):2-9. read

Bucci, Luke, PhD, bio, Pain Free: The Definitive Guide to Healing Arthritis, Low-Back Pain, and Sports Injuries through Nutrition and Supplements, XXI(2):4-5. read
Budwig, Johanna, MD, on flaxseed, sulphur-containing amino acids, and health, XVI(1):1-2. read
Bulusu, Saraswati, Malathion Exposure: Reduced Liver Enzymes Exacerbated by Low Protein Consumption, IX(3):4 read
Carson, Rachel, "Current Sounds from Silent Spring," XIII(1):3-4. read
  • In regard to Dr. Theron G. Randolph, Dr. Moss states, ". . . he was the medical counterpart of Rachel Carson, although I believe he was the more important of the two, because he pointed to the human impact of unbridled industrial ‘progress,’" XVII(1):1-2. read
  • Quotations from Silent Spring, XXIII(4):4-5.
Catellani, Constance A., MD, bio, Professional Advisory Board Member, XXIV(4):4.
  • My Odyssey to Integrative Medicine, XXV(4):3-5. read
  • Beyond Hormone Replacement Therapy: Now What? Healthy Options, XXIX(1):4-6. read
  • The Elephant in the Exam Room. XXXII(4):5-6. read
Chakravarty, Indira, Malathion Exposure: Reduced Liver Enzymes Exacerbated by Low Protein Consumption, IX(3):4 read
Challem, Jack, bio Inflammation, XXIXI(1):1-3 read
Charlemagne, On flaxseed and health, XVI(1):1 read
Cheraskin, Emanuel, MD, PhD, DMD, Vitamin C: Who Need It? Answer: Everyone, XIX(1):1-2. read
  • "Aspirin and Homeostasis," Human Health & Homeostasis: Body Balance: Measuring and Mapping the Steady State read
  • "Allergy and Conditions that Simmulate Allergy or Contribute to the Symptoms," XXXII(2):3-10 read
Chester, Josephine, Obituary, XXIII(1):1.
Chichester, C. O., Browning Reactions, IX(3):4 read
Clark, John Bell, PhD, bio, On pesticides and fertilizers, ". . . highly touted benefit assumptions for pesticide and fertilizer inputs are nonexistent," XVIII(2):2. read
  • On pesticides, ". . .all the risks associated with pesticides are unnecessary risks," XXII(1):5. read
  • "Notes from an Organic Farmer," XXIV(2):2. read
  • "Should We Eat Beef?" XXIV(2):1-2. read
  • "Pure Productive Agriculture - Notes from an Organic Farmer", XXVII(1):7-8. read
Cleary, John P., MD, Low niacin involved in addictve behavior, XII(3):4. read
Clorfene-Casten, Liane, Breast Cancer: Poisons, Profits, and Prevention, XXII(1):1-4. read
Coad, Susan, Getting Started with Organic and Natural Foods, XIV(2):4 read
Colborn, Theo, PhD, bio, On health hazards from eating fish, XVII(2):4-5. read
  • Chemically-Induced Alterations in Sexual and Functional Development: The Wildlife/Human Connection, XVIII(2):1-2. read
  • Our Stolen Future: Are We Threatening Our Fertility, Intelligence, and Survival?—A Scientific Detective Story, XXI(3):1. read
  • Quotations from Our Stolen Future, XXIII(4)4-5. read
  • The human fetus is acutely sensitive to chemical assaults at amazingly low levels. Appropriate levels of the thyroid hormone are crucial for the developing fetal brain. At present, "wildlife biologists cannot find a top predator fish in the Great Lakes that does not have enlarged thyroid glands." XXV(1):1-2. read
Coleman, Eliot, On "killing the messengers": "The farmers apply insecticides essentially ‘killing the messengers’ instead of correcting their counterproductive cultural practices," XVIII(4):2. read
Colgan, Michael, PhD. "Lose Fat and Gain Muscle," XVIII(3):3-4. read
Commoner, Barry, MD, "Genetic Engineering Flying Blind". Lecture to Beyond Pesticides meeting 4/8/2000, XXV(3):5. read
Connor, William E., MD, "Fish, Oils, and Vision," XII(4):3-4. read
Converse, Shirley, "Stroke Protection in the Kitchen," XIII(1):1-2. read
Cordain, Loren, PhD, "Dr. Cordain at NOHA," XXXIII(1):1-2. read
Crawford, Michael A., PhD, bio, What We Eat Today: The Food Manipulators vs. the People, XII(1):3-4. read
  • "Structural Fats Revisited," XIII(4):1-3. read
  • "Food: The Driving Force of Evolution," XVI(4):1-3, 6. read
  • "Food for Thought,": on evolution of the human brain: Crawford’s and Marsh’s thesis in The Driving Force: Food, Evolution, and the Future is endorsed in The Collapse of Chaos: Discovering Simplicity in a Complex World by Cohen and Stewart, XX(3):5-6. read
  • Nutrition and Evolution, XXI(3):1-2. read
  • Honorary Member: his "work demonstrates links between food and the degenerative diseases of Western civilization," XXIII(1)6.
  • "Human Brain Expansion," XXVI(1):1 read
  • "Why DHA is Essential for Our Eyes and Brains," XXVIII(4)6. read
  • "Mad Cow Disease (BSE): Nutrition Susceptibility or Infectious Cause," XXIX(2): 1-4. read
  • "Power Tools for Your Heart," XXX(2):1-2 read
  • "Heart Disease and Rising Brain Disorders," XXXI(1):1-2 read
Crayhon, Robert, MS, bio, "Optimal Nutrition," XXIV(3):2-3. read
Crayton, John W., MD, bio, Professional Advisory Board Member, XI(2):1.
  • Epilepsy Precipitated by Food Sensitivity, XI(2):4. read
  • "Mind-Environment Interactions in Optimal Health," including double-blind, placebo-controlled food challenges related to mood and behavior XIII(4):3-4. read
  • "Adverse Reactions to Foods and Their Relevance to Psychotic Disorders,"XVII(1):2-3. read
  • "Healthful Diets and Healthful Behavior Go Hand in Hand," XIX(4):5- 6. read
  • "The risk of vascular illness: Convergence of nutritional and mental factors": homocysteine, heart disease, and depression, XXIII(1)4-5. read
  • "Focus on Tryptophan," XXVI(1):3-4 read
  • "Nutrition and Alzheimer's Disease," XXIXI(2): 5-6 read
Crook, William G., MD, bio, Honorary Member, XVI(2):4
  • "Yeast-Related Health Problems,"XX(4):1-3. read
  • On Candida related to many childhood disorders, from ear infections to juvenile delinquency, XXII(2):5,6. read
  • "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), XXV(1):5. read
D’Adamo, Peter J., ND, Review of Eat Right for Your Type, XXIII(2):2- 4. read
Daniel, Kaayla T., PhD, CCN, The Whole Soy Story, XXX(4):5-6. read
Davis, Donald R., PhD, Nutrition and ADHD, XXV(1):2. read
Devries, Stephen, MD, Power Tools for the Heart, XXX(2):1-2. read
Dickey, Lawrence D., MD, Tremendous variety of edible fish, XI(4):3. read
Doll, Sir Richard, The Causes of Cancer, XXIV(1):4 read
Dumanoski, Dianne, bio, Our Stolen Future: Are We Threatening Our Fertility, Intelligence, and Survival?—A Scientific Detective Story, XXI(3):1. read
Quotations from Our Stolen Future, XXIII(4):4-5. read
Dunn, Paul J., MD, bio, On treating underlying causes of symptoms in children, using many modalities, including nutrition and cranial osteopathy, XI(1):2 read
  • "Candida-Related Complex," XIV(2):3 read
  • "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome," XVII(2):2-4. read
  • "A Personal Experience," with coronary vessel spasm, XX(2):4-6. read
  • "Blood Type and Nutrition," XXIII(2):2-4. read
  • "Hypoglycemia in Children's Behavior Problems,"XXIII(3):1-3. read
  • "Mercury Toxicity," XXVI(2):3-4 read
  • "Injury and Cranial Osteopathy: A Gentle Approach to Whiplash and Other Traumas," XXIXI(3):3-4. read
Eaton, S. Boyd, "Paleolithic Nutrition," XI(4)1,4  read
Agriculture and sub-optimal nutrition, XII(2):3-4 read
Eisenstein, Mayer, MD, JD, MPH, bio, "Don't Vaccinate Before You Educate," XXIXI(2): 6-7 read
  • "Synthetic Hormone Replacement Therapy: Unavoidably Dangerous: An Answer," XXIX(4):1-2. read
  • "Digestive Issues" XXXII(3):9-10 read
Ellis, J. M., MD, Vitamin B6: The Doctor’s Report, XI(4):3 read
Enig, Mary, PhD, bio, On trans fatty acids, XIII(4):5. read
  • "Fats, Oils, and Disease," XVII(3):3-4. read
  • Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politally Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats, XXI(4):1-3. read
  • "Healthy Coconut Oil", XXXI(2):6-8 read
  • "New Nutritional Discoveries" XXXI(2): 5-6 read
Epstein, Samuel S., MD, bio, "Current Sounds from Silent Spring," On "run away chemical technology" and the "right to know" is the "cutting edge" of the fight against toxic chemicals, XIII(1):3-4. read
  • "Bovine Somatotrophin (BST) and Breast Cancer," XIX(2):6. "Milk Safety?" XXI(2):6. read
  • On the cancer epidemic and The Safe Shopper’s Bible, XXII(1):1,5-6. read
  • Professional Advisory Board Member, XXII(4):4.
  • "Breast Cancer Prevention," XXIII(1):6-8. read
  • "Challenges on the Safety of U.S. Meat: Oprah Right for Other Reasons." read "Major Cosmetic and Toiletry Ingredient Poses Avoidable Cancer Risk." read   "Monsanto's Hormonal Milk Poses Risks of Prostate Cancer, Besides Other Cancers." read "New Drug Pose Risks of Ovarian Cancer," read "Cancer Report Card Gets a Failing Grade." XXIII(3):3-6 read
  • The Politics of Cancer Revisited, XXIV(1):1-4. read
  • "Monsanto’s Genetically Engineered Milk Ruled Unsafe by the United Nations," XXIV(4):6. read
  • Preventing Pathogenic Food Poisoning: Sanitation, Not Irradiation, XXVI(2):2-3. read
  • The High Stakes of Cancer Prevention, XXVI(3):4-10 read
  • Spinning the Losing War Against Cancer, XXIX(4):1 read
  • Genetically-Engineered Anti-Aging Medications and Monsanto Milk are Major Unrecognized Risks of Breast Cancer, XXX(1), read
  • CancerGate: How to Win the Losing Cancer War, XXX(4):1-2. read
  • 40th AAEM Meeting—Cancer and the Environment: The Legacy of the Industrial Age—Asbetos to Xenobiotics, XXXI(1):3-8. read
  • "Hidden Hazards in Milk," A summary of his most recent book, What's in Your Milk? XXXII(1):1-4. read
Estes, Rodger Q., Healing Energies of Heat and Light, XXIXI(3):1-2. read
Sally Fallon, bio, Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats, XXI(4):1-3. read
Feingold, Benjamin, MD, referred to about hyperactivity and "The Feingold Diet," XXI(1):2. read
  • Improved New York City school children’s performance, XIII(1):6. read
  • "Allergy and Conditions that Simmulate Allergy or Contribute to the Symptoms," XXXII(2):3-10 read
Feldman, Sharon, bio, Conquering rheumatoid arthritis, XII(2):3. read
"Food, Chemicals, and Arthritis," XV(2):4. read
Felix, Clara, The Omega 3 Phenomenon, XVI(1):2. read
Omega 3 Oils: Why You Can’t Afford to Live Without Essential Oils to Improve Mental Health, Fight Degenerative Disease and Extend Your Life, XXII(2):1-2. read
Fisher, Andrew T., bio, Review of Our Stolen Future, XXI(3):1. read
  • "The Cost of Convenience: Processing, Packaging, Profits, and Politics," XXII(4):1-2. read
  • "Foodborne Illness: Poisons and the Perils of Processing for Profit," XXII(4):4-6 read
  • "Interesting Interest in NOHA's Website," XXVIII(1):5 read
Fisher, Marjorie, bio, "Notes from a NOHA Class," XI(1):1. read
  • "What NOHA Means to Me," XI(2):1. read
  • "The Fish and Game Diet," XI(4):1,3-4. read
  • Enjoy Nutritious Variety: Rotation Diet, XI(4):4. read
  • "Structural versus Storage Fats," XII(1):3-4. read
  • "Venison Stew for a Rotation Diet," XII(3):3. read
  • "Margarine or Butter?"  XIII(4):5 read
  • "Whitefish for Dinner, Anyone?" XIV(1):3-4. read
  • "Current Sounds from Silent Spring" XIII(1):3-4 read
  • "Buy, Grow, and Eat Organic Food," XVIII(4):1-2 read
  • "NOHA's 30th Anniversary Celibration" - picture with six other NOHA presidents, XXVIII(1):1 read
  • "National Pesticide Strategy Summit" XXX(3):3-4 read
  • "Healthy Coconut Oil", XXXI(2):6-8 read
  • "Changing Course in a Changing Climate: Solutions for Health and the Environment", XXXII(3):1 read
  • "Marjorie Fisher 1923-2009" XXX(1):1 read
Frei, Balz, PhD, "Vitamin C Protects Blood Fats," XIV(4):6 read
Frank, Elaine, "NOHA's 30th Anniversary Celibration" - picture with six other NOHA presidents, XXVIII(1):1 read
Frymann, Viola, DO, "Injury and Cranial Osteopathy: A Gentle Approach to Whiplash and Other Traumas," XXIXI(3):3-4. read
Fulford, Robert, DO, "Injury and Cranial Osteopathy: A Gentle Approach to Whiplash and Other Traumas," XXIXI(3):3-4. read
Gaby, Alan R., MD, bio, "Yes, You Can Delay the Aging Process," XIV(4):2-3. read
Galland, Leo, MD, Calcium - inflammatory; magnesium is a "natural calcium antagonist," X(1):3. read
  • "Nutrition and the Immune System: What Our Children Need," XIV(3):1-2. read
  • Nutrition and ADHD, XXV(1):2 read
Gandhi, Mahatma, flaxseed and health, XVI(1):1. read
Gerdes, Kendall, MD, "Obesity from High-Carbohydrate, Low Fat Diets,"—insulin resistance syndrome, XXII(3):9-10. read
Glanzman, Marianne, M., MD, Patients with ADHD—important areas of their brains—smaller with lower than normal metabolic rates, XXV(1):1. read
Gottlieb, Iris, bio, "Healthful eating," XI(2):3. read
Gottlieb, Seymour L., DDS, bio, "What Role Does Nutrition Play in Dentistry?" XI(2):2. read
  • "Prevention, Therapy, and Recovery: Don’t Wait Till It Hurts," XIV(3):2-3. read
  • "Present Health Status of Silver Fillings," XVII(3):2-3. read
  • "Oral Yeast Infections," XX(3):4-5. read
  • "Update on the Use of Silver Amalgum Fillings," XXIII(4):6-8. read
  • "Relationships Between Oral Health and Medical Conditions: Stroke Prevention, Heart Attacks, Stress and Periodontal Disease, Pneumonia, Ulcers, Low Birth Weight Risk," XXIII(4):7-8. read
  • "Osteoporosis and Oral Bone Loss Prevention," XXVI(4):4-6. read
Greene, Alan, MD, "Weapons of Mass Destruction", XXXII(3):12 read
Grey, Michael, MD, MPH, Cancer and the Environment: The Legacy of the Industrial Age—Asbestos to Xenobiotics, Winter 2006 read
Gross, Lisa, The High Stakes of Cancer Prevention, XXVI(3):4-10 read
Gruen, Hans, MD, "Biological Terrain," XXIV(2):5-6. read
Guillette, E. A., PhD, "Pesticide Effects on Children," XXIV(3):1 read
Gussow, Professor Joan Dye, bio, "The Mad Hatter and Agribusiness," XVIII(4):2. read
Harding, Pauline N., MD, Professional Advisory Board Member, XXV(1):4. 
  • "How to Age Rapidly or Not", XXVII(1):3-6. read
  • "Eat Your Way to a Better Sleep", XXX(2):2-4 read
Hauter, Wenonah, Preventing Pathogenic Food Poisoning: Sanitation, Not Irradiation, XXVI(2):2-3 read
Hawken, Paul, bio, Natural Capitalism, "Food for Life," XXV(2):5. read
Heiby, Walter A., "Margarine or Butter?" XIII(4):5. read
  • "Literature-Research Seminars in Nutrition and Medicine,"XIII(4):6.
  • The Reverse Effect: How Vitamins and Minerals Promote Health and CAUSE Disease, XIV(1):1-2. read
  • Love on Fire—More Joy and Sexual Science: Love/Sex and the Reverse Effect, XXI(2):1-3. read
Hill, Stuart B., PhD, bio, "Almost all insects are essential to our survival," XII(4):1 read and XVIII(4):1-2. read
"According to the Ontario (Canada) Cancer Institute, 60 to 70 percent of all cancers are related to foods," XIII(1):4. read
Hoffer, Abram, MD, PhD, bio, "Nutritional Approach to Mental Illness," XIII(3):1-2. read
Hoggan, Ron, MA, Dangerous Grains XXVIII(2):9-10. read
Horner, Christine, MD, FACS, bio, "Waking the Warrior Goddess," XXXI(3):1-4. read
Howard, Martha H., MD, bio, Professional Advisory Board Member, XXV(1):4
  • "Help! My Food is Attacking Me! (or is my body attacking my food?)," XXVII(2):3-5 read
  • "How to Eat Real Food and Talk Back to the TV" XXX(3):2-3 read
  • "Unmasking the Great Pretender: Gluten Sensitivity," XXXI(3):6-8 read
Hunter, Beatrice Trum, bio, Book Review of The Allergy Self-Help Cook Book by Marjorie Hurt Jones, RN, IX(4):3. read
  • "Fatty Acids and Foods," X(1):3. read
  • "Paleolithic Nutrition," XI(4):1 read
  • "Gluten Intolerance," XII(1):4. read
  • "Foodborne Disease: A Needless Epidemic," XIII(2):1-2. read
  • "Histamine Reactions from Food," XV(1):2. read
  • "Food and Biotechnology," XIX(1):4-5. read
  • "Coping with a Gluten and Wheat-Free Diet," XXI(3):4-5. read
  • "The Cost of Convenience: Processng, Packaging, Profits, and Politics." XXII(4):1-2. read
  • "Foodborne Illness: Poisons and the Perils of Processing for Profit," XXII(4):4-6. read
  • "You May Have Heard It Here First: Chaos Is Healthy read; Fats and Oils that Are Healthy; Hormone Disrupters read; Nitric Oxide," XXIV(4):1-3.
  • "The Downside of Soybean Consumption," XXVI(4):1-3. read
  • "The Growing Impact of Chemical Exposure Upon Health in the 21st Century," XXVII(1):1-2 read
  • "Food and Your Health," XXVIII(4):1-3 read
  • "Organic Agriculture: Does it Affect Antioxidants?" XXX(2):5 read
  • "Consuming Soil," XXXII(1):8-10 read
Jaffe, Russell M., MD, PhD, bio, "Immune System Enhancement," XV(3):1-3 read
  • NOHA Honorary Member, XVI(2):4.
  • "Literature-Research Seminars in Nutrition and Medicine,"XIII(4):6.
  • The Reverse Effect: How Vitamins and Minerals Promote Health and CAUSE Disease, XIV(1):1-2. read
  • Love on Fire—More Joy and Sexual Science: Love/Sex and the Reverse Effect, XXI(2):1-3. read
  • "Adequate Supplementation in First Line Comprehensive Health Care," XXIX(4):2-4. read
  • "Allergy and Conditions that Simmulate Allergy or Contribute to the Symptoms," XXXII(2):3-10 read
Jeavons, John, How to Grow More Vegetables than You Ever Thought Possible in Less Space than You Can Imagine, XVIII(4):2. read
Jenson, Niels Juul, "Levels of pesticides are rising in the groundwater that supplies nearly all of Denmark’s drinking water." XXII(4):2. read
Jones, Marjorie Hurt, RN, bio, The Allergy Self-Help Cookbook, IX(4):3 read
  • "Healthful Eating: Cheese for a Healthy Heart?" X(1):2-3.
  • "Healthful Eating: The Magic of Muffins," X(2):2-3.
  • "Healthful Eating: Celebrate Fruits and Vegetables," X(3):3-4. read
  • "Amaranth and Quinoa," XII(1):2. read
  • "Migraine Headaches and Food: Interview . . . with Jean Munro, MD," XIV(2):1-2. read
Jonik, John, Cartoon: "10,000 Pesticide Related Deaths a Year," XXII(3):6.
  • Cartoon, XXII(4):3.
  • Cartoon, XXIII(1):5.
  • Two cartoons, XXIV(1):2,3.
Judkin, John, MD, Sweet and Dangerous, XI(4):3. read
Kaplan, Norman M., MD, "Non-Drug Treatment of Hypertension," XII(3):1,2. read
Kaplan, Sheila, "The Food Chain Gang," XIII(1):3-4. read
Kaplan, Shirley W., ACSW, "Self Esteem: The Nutrition Connection," XII(1):1-2. read
"A Holistic Apprpach—Psyche and Soma," XIII(2):2,5. read
Kilburn, Kaye H., MD, "The brain . . . extraordinarily sensitive . . . more susceptible to chemicals than are other organs," XVIII(4):1. read
Chemical Brain Injury, XXV(1):1 and XXV(2):5. read
Klenner, Frederick R., MD, The Key to Good Health, Vitamin C, IX(4):2.
Kniker, William T., "Food and Chemical Imbalances," XXV(1):2-3. read
Konner, Melvin, PhD, "Paleolithic Nutrition . . .," XI(4):1,4. read
Lal, Rattan, Global Warming and Agriculture" XXIXI(1):7-8. read
Lands, William E. M., PhD, Fish and Human Health—"any food can be converted in our bodies to cholesterol," XIII(4):5 read
Lawson, Lynn, bio, "Current Sounds from Silent Spring," XIII(1):3-4. read
  • "A Personal Note," XIII(1):4. read
  • "Structural Fats Revisited," XIII(4):1-3. read
  • "Medicine: An Art that Uses Science," Review of two books by Melvyn Werbach, MD, Third Line Medicine: Modern Treatment for Persistent Symptoms and Nutritional Influences on Illness: A Sourcebook of Clinical Research, XV(3):3-5. read
  • Staying Well in a Toxic World, XIX(4):1-4. read
  • Personal Tribute to Theron G. Randolpn, MD, XXI(1):1-2. read
  • "Organic Food," XXII(1):5-6. read
  • Staying Well in a Toxic World, XXVI(2):1 read
  • "Changing Course in a Changing Climate: Solutions for Health and the Environment", XXXII(3):1 read
Lee, John R., MD, "Infertility, Osteoporosis, Cancer, and Natural Progesterone," XIX(4):6-8. read
Lee, Tung-Chin, Browning Reactions, IX(3):4 read
Levin, Neil, CCN, bio, Natural Strategies Against Breast Cancer, XXVII:1-2 read
  • "NOHA's 30th Anniversary Celibration" - picture with six other NOHA presidents, XXVIII(1):1 read
  • "Cancer Patients May Tolerate Certain Dietary Supplements", XXXI(2):9-10 read
Lewis Carroll,"The time has come . . .," XI(3):1 read
Lieberman, Allan D. MD, FAAEM, Cancer and the Environment: The Legacy of the Industrial Age—Asbestos to Xenobiotics, Winter 2006 read
Lovins, Amory, bio, Natural Capitalism, "Food for Life," XXV(2):5. read
Lovins, L. Hunter, bio, Natural Capitalism, "Food for Life," XXV(2):5. read
Lucas, A., MD, "Breast Milk Enhances Intelligence," XVII(3):1. read
Lyman, Howard, bio, "Should We Eat Beef?" XXIV(2):1-2. read
Mackarness, Richard, MD, Eating Dangerously and Chemical Victims, XIII(1):4. read
Malthus, Rev. Thomas, population problem, XI(1):1. read
Marchi, Louis, PhD, "Before World War II the word ‘pesticide’ was not in the English language," XXIII(4):4. read
Margulies, Jimmy, Cartoon on Cancer from Pesticides on Produce, XVIII(4):3 and XXIII(2):1.

Marsh, David, "Food: The Driving Force of Evolution," XVI(4):1-3, 6. read
  • "Heart Disease and Rising Brain Disorders." XXXI(1) read

McCann, Michael L., MD, Evidence that children with ADHD have increased bowel permeability and are more allergic. Western sterile environments can kill healthy bowel flora, XXV(1):3. read

McGee, Charles T., MD, bio, How to Survive Modern Technology, IX(3):1-2. read
  • Healing Energies of Heat and Light, XXIXI(3): 1-2. read
  • Surviving Modern Technology, XXIXI(3): 5-7. read

McGovern, Senator George, Congratulates NOHA on our cookbook and gives us a quote., IX(4):1.
Mendelsohn, Robert S., MD, bio, "What Are Some Drug-Induced Nutritional Deficiencies?" XI(3):2. read
Obituary: "The People’s Doctor," XIII(3):4.
Mercola, Joseph, DO, bio, "Lose Weight -- Gain Health," XXVIII(3)9-10. read
  • Total Health, XXIXI(3): 7-8. read
  • Splenda Secrets that can Change Your Life, XXX(4):3-4. read
Milam, Melody J., PhD, "Chemical Sensitivities and Pesticides," XII(2):4. read
Miller, Claudia S., MD, "The Growing Impact of Chemical Exposure Upon Health in the 21st Century," XXVII(1):1-2 read
Millichap, J. Gordon, MD, bio, Environmental Poisons in Our Food, XVIII(3):1-3. read
  • "Lead Poisoning: The Silent Epidemic," XIX(3):1-2. read
  • Professional Advisory Board Member, XX(1):5. Is Our Water Safe to Drink:? A Guide to Drinking Water Hazards and Health Risks, XX(3):1-4. read
  • "Is Our Water Safe to Drink?" XX(4):3-8. read
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity and Learning Disorders: Questions & Answers, read
  • "Attention Deficit, Hyperactivity, and Learning Disorders, A Scientific Appraisal of Dietary Therapies," XXIV(1):5-10. read
  • "Ritalin®, Tics, and Tourette Syndrome," XXIV(2):5. read
  • Patients with ADHD—important areas of their brains—smaller with lower than normal metabolic rates, XXV(1):1. read
  • Ecological Sensitivity in Landscape Gardening, XXV(4):1-3. read
  • The Role of Diet in Migraine Headaches, XXVII(3):3-6 read
Minsky, Bonnie C., bio, "The Salmonella Story - An Update" X(3):2-3 read
Monte, Woodrow C., PhD, RD, "Aspartame [NutraSweet®]: Methanol and the Public Health," IX(3):2 read
Moss, Ralph W., PhD, bio, Free Radical: Albert Szent-Gyorgyi and the Battle over Vitamin C, XIII(2):6.
  • "Environmental Medicine . . . a sweeping reinterpretation of traditional medical thinking . . . what we eat and are exposed to in our environment will have a direct effect upon our health," XIII(3):3. read
  • Tribute to Theron G. Randolph, MD, XVII(1):1 read
  • Questioning Chemotherapy: Evey year, more and more people are given chemotherapy. Is it safe? Is it effective? Is it necessary? XXI(1):8. read
Murdoch, Barbara, Chronobiology: A Science in Tune with the Rhythms of Life, XI(4):2. read
Munro, Jean, MD, "Migraine Headaches and Food," XIV(2):1-2. read
Myers, John P., PhD, bio, " . . . The increasing number of individuals experiencing chemical sensitivity perhaps in itself is an indication of the inadequacy of pesticide regulations," XVII(2):5. read
  • Our Stolen Future: Are We Treatening Our Fertility, Intelligence, and Survival?—A Scientific Detective Story, XXI(3):1. read
  • Quotations form Our Stolen Future, XXIII(4):4-5. read
Nader, Ralph, bio, On cleaning up the food supply: "Attack silent violence the way we like to go after street violence!", XIII(1):6. read
Neuringer, Martha, PhD, "Fish, Oils, and Vision, XII(4):3-4. read
Nicolson, Garth L., PhD, Cancer and the Environment: The Legacy of the Industrial Age—Asbestos to Xenobiotics, Winter 2006 read
Nogier, Paul F., MD, Healing Energies of Heat and Light, XXIXI(3):1-2. read
O'Bryan, Thomas, DC, "Avoid Wheat if Elevated Antibodies But No Symptoms?," XXXI(1):5-6 read
Odum, Eugene P., PhD, "Hierarchial systems," XIII(3):3. read
Ohno, Yoshitaka, MD, PhD, Interactive Effect of Water on Bio-Magnetism, "The Growing Impact of Chemical Exposure Upon Health in the 21st Century," XXVII(1):1-2 read
Olkowski, William and Helga, How to Control Garden Pests without killing almost everything else, XVIII(4):1-2. read
Olwin, John H., MD, bio, "Chronobiology," XI(4):2. read
  • "Heparin and Atherosclerosis," XIV(2):3-4. read
  • "Chromium in Adult Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease," XVII(4):2-4. read
  • "Shingles and Genital Herpes," Favorable treatment within seven weeks of onset, XIX(3):4. read
  • "Chelation Therapy," XXI(1):2-5. read
Orthoefer, Frank, PhD, Lecithin and Health, XXVI(2):8-9. read
Ott, John, PhD, "Malillumination," XII(4):2 read
Pangborn, Christine, Defeat Autism Now! (DAN!) Meetings 2002, XXVII(4):4-6 read
Pangborn, Jon B., PhD, bio, "Vitamins—How Much Is Enough? How Much Is Too Much?" XII(1):2-3.  read
  • "Toxicity and Nutrition," XIV(4):3-4. read
  • Aluminum ion and the central nervous system, XVI(2):5.
  • Politics and nutritional supplements, XVIII(1):3-5. read
  • "What’s New in Autism Research," XXI(2):3-4. read
  • "Vitamin B6," XXIV(2):3-5. read
  • "A Short History of DAN!" (Defeat Autism NOW), XXV(3):1-3 read
  • "Unlocking the Mysteries of Autism," Doctor's Corner by William Walsh, PhD, XXVIII(4):3-5. read
  • "Autism: Where Are We, What Can Be Done?" Doctor's Corner, XXXI(1):2-4 read
  • "Dr. Pangborn on Autism", XXXIII(2):2-3 read
Papas, Andreas,  PhD, The Vitamin E Factor -- Summary and Review, XXVI(2):5-8. read
Pauling, Linus, bio, Picture, "Anticipating Our Fifteen Anniversary," ,XII(2)1.
  • "Vitamin C," XII(2):3 read
  • "Correction," XII(3):4.
  • "NOHA Welcomes Linus Pauling," XIII(1):1. read
  • "Vitamin C Recognized by the Ntional Cancer Institute," XVI(2):1- 2. read
  • "Dietary Supplements," XIX(1):6. read
  • Obituary, XX(1):1.
Perlmutter, David, MD, "Causes and Nutritional Therapies for Neurodegenerative Diseases," XXVI(1):6-8 read
Pert, Candace B., PhD, Molecules of Emotion, XXXI(4):10-12. read
Peterson, Richard, E., PhD, Study of effects of tiny doses of dioxin, XVIII(2):1-2. read
Peto, Richard, The Causes of Cancer, XXIV(1):4 read
Pfeiffer, Carl C., MD, PhD, bio, ". . . Dr. Pfeifffer has named kryptopyrrole in urine ‘pyroluria,’" XIII(2):3. read
  • Pfeiffer’s work described and "Pfeiffer’s Law: For every drug that benefits a patient, there is a natural substance that can achieve the same effect," XVI(3):2-4. read
  • ". . . for every drug that yields a beneficial result, there is a nutrient, which can produce the same effect," XXII(2):3. read
  • Obituary, XIV(2):6.
  • "Biochemical Individuality: The Power of Nutrient Therapy," XXVIII(1):2-4 read
Philpott, William H., MD, Magnetic Therapy, "The Growing Impact of Chemical Exposure Upon Health in the 21st Century," XXVII(1):1-2 read
Pintauro, S. J., Browning Reactions, IX(3):4 read
Plumlee, Lawrence A., MD, Eat Fat, Lose Fat, XXX(4):4 read
Porter, Warren P., PhD, "We protect laboratory rats better from this stuff [pesticides] than we do our kids." "We will not be able to maintain a highly-ordered technological society if we raise a generation of children who are learning disabled and hyperaggressive." XXII(4):2, XXIII(4):4, and XXVII(2):1-6 .
  • Research on pesticides, learning problems, and aggression in mice and rats, with implications for children, XXIII(4):4. read
  • "Dreams of Adequate Pesticide Testing," XXIV(3):3-4. read
  • Biological Effects of Low Level Pesticide Mixtures: Problems and Solutions, XXVIII(2):1-6. read
  • Molecules of Emotion, XXXI(4):10-12
Price, Weston A., DDS, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, IX(3):2. read
Rampton, Sheldon, Toxic Sludge Is Good for You, XXI(2):6. read
Mad Cow U. S. A., Could the Nightmare Happen Here?, XXIV(2):1-2 read
Randolph, Theron G., MD, bio, "Health News and Views: Now Is the Time to Demand a New Food and Drug Law Before the Next Scandal," XI(3):1-4. read
  • "Food Addiction. . . . ‘For most affected persons, recipes are not for day-in and day-out use,’" XI(4):3-4. read
  • "Food Addiction and Ecological Mental Illness," XII(2):2. read
  • "Food-Induced Rheumatoid Arthritis," XII(2):3. read
  • ". . . tiny amounts of these ubiquitous chemicals can result in chronic illness . . .," XIII(1):3 read
  • 1963 visit with Rachel Carson, XIII(1):4. read
  • Environmental Medicine, XIII(3):3-4. read
  • "The Addiction Pyramid," XV(1):1,3-4. read
  • "Coconut Allergy," XV(1):2. read
  • Tribute from Dr. Boxer, XVI(2):2. read
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome from food and chemical sensitivity, XVI(1):4. read
  • "Celebration for Theron G. Randolph, MD," XVII(1):1-2. read
  • "Looking at Labels," XVII(1):3-4. read
  • Checked NOHA booklet, Enjoy Nutritious Variety, before publication, XVI(4):1-2. read
  • "Ecological Mental Illness: How Interest Developed, 1949-50," "The Ups and Downs of Addicted Life," and "Honoring Dr. Randolph," XVIII(2):3-6. read
  • "A Great Man Is Gone," XXI(1):1-2. read
  • Environmental Control Unit: William J. Rea, MD, following the lead of Dr. Randolph, XXIII(4): 5. read
  • Tremendous admiration from Dr. Shambaugh, XXIV(2):1
  • Rotation Diet, "The Growing Impact of Chemical Exposure Upon Health in the 21st Century," XXVII(1):1-2 read
  • Eat Fat, Lose Fat, XXX(4):4 read
  • Tics and Tourette's—Tracing the True Triggers, XXXI(4):5-9 read
  • "Allergy and Conditions that Simmulate Allergy or Contribute to the Symptoms," XXXII(2):3-10 read
Rapp, Doris, MD, bio, "Foods and Chemicals Can Make Children Ill," XVII(4)’1-2. read
  • Honorary Member, XXV(1):4
  • Why Are You Sick? Find Out What You Can Do About It, XXVII(3):1-3 read
  • 40th AAEM Meeting—Cancer and the Environment: The Legacy of the Industrial Age—Asbetos to Xenobiotics, XXXI(1):3-8. read
  • Cancer and the Environment: The Legacy of the Industrial Age—Asbestos to Xenobiotics, Winter 2006 read
Rappaport, J. L., MD, "Neurobiology of attention Deficit Disorders with Hyperactivity . . .," XIII(1):5-6. read
Rath, Matthias, MD, bio, Eradicating Heart Disease, XX(2):6. read
Rea William J.., MD, bio, Intravenous challenge test for magnesium status, XVI(3):4. read
  • "City water . . . contains from 100 to 10,000 times as many synthetic compounds as natural spring water." Of their over 20,000 patients, 90 percent react to water contaminants. XVIII(1):2. read
  • Health effects of synthetic implants, and "Ground Regulation System," XXII(2):5-6. read
  • Quotation from Chemical Sensitivity, Volume 2; Also, description of testing patients for pesticide levels in an environmental control unit, XXIII(4):5. read
  • "Biological Terrain," XXIV(2):5-6. read
  • Honorary Member, XXIV(4):4
  • "The Effects of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals upon Aging," XXVI(1):4, 5 read
  • "The Growing Impact of Chemical Exposure Upon Health in the 21st Century," XXVII(1):1-2 read
  • "Environmental Aspects of Health and Disease," XXVIII(3)1-4. read
Revell, Mary Jane, Picture with Linus Pauling, PhD, XIII(1):1
  • "NOHA's 30th Anniversary Celibration" - picture with six other NOHA presidents, XXVIII(1):1 read
Reynes, Carlos M, MD, bio "The Science of Probiotics", XXXI(2):1-4 read
  • "Dr. Reynes on Drug-Nutrient Interactions", XXXIII(2): 1 read
Riesen, Willis H., PhD, CCN: Obituary, XXIII(3):1.
Rimland, Bernard, PhD, bio, "Should We Take Supplements?" XIV(4):5-6. read
  • "What’s New in Autism Research," XXI(2):3-4. read
  • "A Short History of DAN!" (Defeat Autism NOW), XXV(3):1-3. read
  • "Unlocking the Mysteries of Autism," Doctor's Corner by William Walsh, PhD, XXVIII(4):3-5. read
  • "Autism World Loses a Giant: NOHA Honorary Member Bernard Rimland, PhD," XXXII(1):12-14 read
Roberts, H.J., MD, bio, "Aspartame (NutraSweet®)" and "confusion, memory loss, altered behavior, intellectual deterioration. . .," XVIII(1):5-6. read
"Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease," XXI(1):5-7. read
Roe, Daphne, MD, Drug-Induced Nutritional Deficiencies, XI(3):2 read
Rogers, Sheila J. , Tics and Tourette'sTracing the True Triggers, XXXI(4):5-9 read

Rogers, Sherry A., MD, "Wellness Against All Odds," XX(2):1-3. read
  • "Healing the Impossible" XXX(3):1-2 read

Ross, Julia, MA, bio, "Mood Cure by Diet," XXX(1):1-3. read
Rudin, Donald, MD, The Omega 3 Phenomenon, XVI(1):2. read
Omega 3 Oils: Why You Can’t Afford to Live withoutEssential Oils to Improve Mental Health, fight Degenerative Disease, and Extend Your Life, XXII(2):1-2. read
Sackler, Arthur M., MD, Tribute to Roger J. Williams, PhD, XI(4):1.
Sachsel, Barbara, bio, "The Pediatrician and the Grandmother," with Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn, XIII(3):4.
  • NOHA Honors Barbars Sachsel," XIV(4):1,2.
  • Obituary - founding and inspiration for NOHA, XVI(3):1.

Samter, Max, MD, "Allergy and Conditions that Simmulate Allergy or Contribute to the Symptoms," XXXII(2):3-10 read

Samuels, Adrienne, PhD, "Flawed Studies on MSG," XX(1):4.   read

  • "Free Glutamin Acid (MSG): Sources and Dangers," XXV(2):1-4 read
Samuels, Jack, MSHA, bio,
  • "Free Glutamin Acid (MSG): Sources and Dangers," XXV(2):1-4 read
  • "The Obesity Epidemic," XXX(1):4-7 read
Sardi, William, "Nutrition and the Eyes," XXIII(1):2-4. read
Sardi, William, "Nutrition and the Eyes," XXIII(1):2-4. read
Schneider, Andrew, "Honey Laundering", XXXI(1):3-4. read
Seba, Douglas B., PhD,
  • "The Growing Impact of Chemical Exposure Upon Health in the 21st Century," XXVII(1):1-2 read
  • "Cancer and the Environment: The Legacy of the Industrial Age—Asbestos to Xenobiotics," XXXI(1):2-8 read
Schoenthaler, Stephen J., PhD, Improved NY school diet and children’s performance with decrease in fat- and sucrose-laden foods, XIII(1):6. read
Shambaugh, George E. Jr., MD, bio, "Antiaging Nutrients," XV(4):1-2. read
  • Professional Advisory Board Member, XX(1):5.
  • "Danger: Not Just Taste Enhancers," MSG and NutraSweet®, XXI(3):2-4. read
  • Obituary, XXIV(2):1
Shannon, Anne, Obituary: Injured by pesticides, a nurse knowledgeable about comprehensive environmental control, she worked to establish patient support groups, XVIII(3):1
Shaw, William, PhD, "Some of the things that are most toxic look almost like what you need." Peptides from a leaky gut, XXIII(4):2-3. read
Sheikh, M. S., "Calcium: From Milk or Supplements." XIII(2):5 read
Shepperd, Joel, MD, "Homeopathy Related to Chaos Theory," XXVI(1):2 read
Shinn, Eugene, PhD, Threats to human health from transoceanic dust, "The Growing Impact of Chemical Exposure Upon Health in the 21st Century," XXVII(1):1-2 read
Siegel, Rita, "NOHA's 30th Anniversary Celibration" - picture with six other NOHA presidents, XXVIII(1):1 read
Sinclair, Upton, The Jungle, XI(3):1. read
Sleeth, J. Matthew, MD, Health, Happiness, and Holistic Sustainability, XXXII(2):10:12. read
Sloan, Sara, bio, School food program, XIII(1):5. read
Smith, Jeffrey M., bio, Cancer and the Environment: The Legacy of the Industrial Age—Asbestos to Xenobiotics, XXXI(1):2-8. read
Spika, John S., Salmonella Update, XII(3):4. read
Sprague, Donald E., MD, "Chemical Sensitivities and Pesticides," XII(2):4. read
Stamets, Paul , Fungi: Environmental Saviours, Wonderful Nutrients, and Some Deadly Poisons, XXXI(4):1-5. read
Stamler, Jeremiah, MD, "Nutritional Therapy for High Blood Pressure. . ., XII(3):1-2. read
Stamler, Rose, MA, "Nutritional Therapy for High Blood Pressure. . .," XII(3):1-2. read
Stauber, John, Toxic Sludge Is Good for You, XXI(2):6. read
Mad Cow U. S. A., Could the Nightmare Happen Here?, XXIV(2):1-2 read
Steinman, David, Diet for a Poisoned Planet, XVI(1):2-3. read
  • The Safe Shopper's Bible, XXII(1):1,3,5-6. read
  • The Breast Cancer Prevention Program, XIII(4):6-8. read
Schwartz, George R., MD, In Bad Taste: The MSG Syndrome, XVI(1):3-4. read
Still, Andrew Taylor, MD, "Injury and Cranial Osteopathy: A Gentle Approach to Whiplash and Other Traumas," XXIXI(3):3-4. read
Stitt, Paul A., bio, "Why Are Americans So Fat?" XIX(2):4-6. read
Stone, Irwin, PhD, Obituary - Leaders in Vitamin C Research Are Mourned, IX(4):2.
Stone, Thomas L., MD, bio, Epilepsy Precipitated by Food Sensitivity, XI(2):4. read
  • "Protecting Your Immune System,"XII(4):2-3. read
  • "Protecting Your Health, Part II," XVIII(4):4-7. read
  • "Kombucha Tea," XXII(1):6-10. read
  • "Vaccines," XXIV(4):5 read
  • Magnetizing Filtered Water, "The Growing Impact of Chemical Exposure Upon Health in the 21st Century," XXVII(1):1-2 read
  • "Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Cause Heart Disease -- Fact or Myth?," XXVIII(1):4-5 read
  • "New Nutritional Discoveries" XXXI(2): 5-6 read
Sutherland, William Garner, DO, "Injury and Cranial Osteopathy: A Gentle Approach to Whiplash and Other Traumas," XXIXI(3):3-4. read
Szent-Gyorgyi, Albert, MD, PhD, An obituary: "Free Radical," XIII(2):6.
Tenpenny, Sherri J., DO, Cancer and the Environment: The Legacy of the Industrial Age—Asbestos to Xenobiotics, Winter 2006 read
TePas, Theodore E., MD, bio, "Hyperactiviyy Revisited," Effects of diet, XIII(1):2,5-6. read
  • Aspartame (NutraSweet®): "Trick or Treat?" XV(4):2-3. read
  • "Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Revisited," XXI(4):3-6. read
  • Patients with ADHD—important areas of their brains—smaller with lower than normal metabolic rates, XXV(1):1. read
  • "Towards an Integrative Medicine," XXV(1):4-5 read
  • "Nutrition and Children's Behavior Problems Revisited: Again" XXVIII(2):6-8 read
  • "Nutrition and Children's Behavior Problems Revisited: Again" XXXI(3):4-6 read
Troll, Walter D., PhD, Seed foods and cancer, IX(4):2. read
Usman, Auju, MD, Dr Usman on Autism, XXXIII(2):2-3. read
Vena, John E, Bladder cancer linked to drinking chlorinated water, XVIII(4):8. read
Walsh, William J., PhD, bio, "Chemical Imbalances and Criminal Violence," XIII(2):3-4. read
  • "Biochemical Treatment: Medicines for the Next Century," XVI(3):2-4. read
  • "Biochemistry and Behavior," XIX(1):3-4. read
  • "Nutrition and Depression," XXII(2):2-4. read
  • "Biochemical Indivuality and Nutrition," XXV(2):6-8 read
  • "Biochemical Individuality: The Power of Nutrient Therapy," XXVIII(1):2-4 read
  • "Unlocking the Mysteries of Autism," XXVIII(4):3-5. read
  • Tics and Tourette's—Tracing the True Triggers, XXXI(4):6-9 read
  • "Biochemical Treatment and Improved Mental Functioning," XXXII(1):4-6 read
Weil, Andrew, MD, Power Tools for the Heart, XXX(2):1-2. read
Werbach, Melvyn R., MD, Third Line Medicine: Modern Treatment for Persistent Symptoms, XV(3):3-5. read
Whitcomb, Carl E., PhD, "If the SU and related ALS-inhibitor herbicides are contributing to the proliferation of resistant strains of bacteria and other disease-causing organisms, their use must be stopped as soon as possible." XXIII(4):5. read
Williams, Roger J., PhD, Nutrition Against Disease: The book that inspired the founding of NOHA, XI(1):1. read
  • Tribute: "Happy Birthday," XI(3):1.
  • Picture from NOHA’s Fifth Anniversary Celebration, XII(2):1
  • Obituary, XIII(2):6.
Wilson, Toby, Picture with Linus Pauling, PhD, XIII(1):1
  • "NOHA's 30th Anniversary Celibration" - picture with six other NOHA presidents, XXVIII(1):1 read
Wolff, Mary S, "Breast Cancer Linked to a Metabolite of DDT," XVIII(3):4. read
Wolverton, B. C., MD, "How to Grow Fresh Air," XXX(3):4. read
Worthington, Virginia, MS, ScD, CNS, "Nutritional Quality of Organic vs Conventional Fruits, Vegetables, and Grains," XXVII(2):1-3 read
Wrangham, Richard, PhD, "The Original Fast Food Freaks," "The Song of the Hungry Hominids," XII(3), 2-3. read
Wurtman, Judith J., PhD, "Mood and Food," XII(4):1. read
Wurtman, Richard J., MD, "Mood and Food," XII(4):1. read
Young, Bambi Batts, PhD, "Neurotoxicity of Pesticides," XII(2):4. read
Young, Quentin D., MD, bio, "Spinning the Losing War Against Cancer," XXIX(4):1 read
Yudkin, John, MD, Sweet and Dangerous, XI(4):3. read
Zamelkin, A. J., MD, "Neurobiology of Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity . . .," XIII(1):5-6. read